After buying please message us to let us know what figure you want otherwise you will be sent a random one.
All figures are in ok/good condition. If you would like more pictures of a figure please message.

Figures available :

R2-D2 / Obi-Wan Kenobi / Wookie Warrior / Clone Commander / Mas Amedda / Vader's Medical Druid / Tarkin / Luminara Unduli / Polis Massan / Aayla Secura.

Neimoidian Warrior
Clone Commander
Anakin Skywalker
Luminara Unduli
Saesee Tin
Ask Aak
Aayla Secura
Polis Massan
Meena Tills
At-Te Tank Gunner
Vader's Medical Droid
Mas Ameeda
General Grevious
Clone Trooper
Wookie Warrior
Clone Pilot
Destroyer Droid

Each sold individually at £9.99 - please contact us with which you would like, otherwise we shall send one at random.