Technos Collection 1 (12) - Evercade Games

Great Condition

Complete with manual as pictured

Age Rating: 12

Crash 'N' The Boys: Street Challenge
Crash 'N' The Boys: Street Challenge takes on the skill of athletics and the competition of the street. Five different challenges await the Boys in this Technos classic on Evercade.

Double Dragon
The arcade classic Beat 'Em Up comes to home console and to Evercade. This version of Double Dragon from Technos also has a 2 player VS mode!

Double Dragon 2: The Revenge
The sequel to the arcade smash, the home console version of Double Dragon 2: The Revenge allows you to play co-op on Evercade VS, just like the Technos arcade cab!

Renegade has a familiar story to other Technos games with your girlfriend being kidnapped. But this early fighter takes more cues from 80s films and is great fun on Evercade.

River City Ransom
A cult classic and now one of the most popular 8-Bit games, River City Ransom has all the Technos fighting style with great comedy thrown in. A perfect fit for Evercade.

Super Dodge Ball
Taking the cues from River City Random and Crash 'N' The Boys gameplay, Technos delivered more aggressive sporting fun with Super Dodge Ball on Evercade.

Super Double Dragon
A dedicated home console game from Technos, Super Double Dragon continues the legend of Billy and Jimmy Lee with an expanded fighting style. Perfect for Evercade's retro controls.

Super Spike V'ball
Beneath this sports simulator is a tricky game of managing your fitness and your skill. Technos' Super Spike V'ball brings a take on Volleyball to Everacde.

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Our products may not include additional material like Digital Copies, Online Passes or promotional downloadable content (DLC).