Dead Island 2 is coming for you, with a mad look in its eye and gnashing teeth ready to chomp their way through your skull and into the juicy brains beneath it. Its predecessor was a huge, open-world hit and this sequel promises more of the anarchic same. This sequel shifts the action to Los Angeles which, yes, is not exactly an island, but does offer some fun locations to play with. The narrative lurches from massive Beverley Hills mansions to Hollywood back lots to sun-streaked beaches, asking you to figure out how the zombie contagion got out and whether or not it can ever be reversed. You will, of course, need to keep your brains out of the jaws of many, many zombies and kill a fair number of them as you go about your business. While combat definitely tends towards the bloody and the brutal, it's surprisingly fine-tuned. Block and dodge are important tools in your arsenal, with a system that forces you to watch your enemies carefully and time your counters to perfection. Waving a katana around blindly won't get you through a fight in Dead Island 2, you'll need to think tactically. It's still mayhem, though, and bringing in a couple of friends for co-op only ratchets up the action.