The Dark Pictures Anthology: The Devil in Me" is the fourth installment in the interactive horror game series developed by Supermassive Games. Following the same anthology format as its predecessors, this game presents players with a narrative-driven experience that emphasizes choice, consequence, and horror elements.

Genre: Interactive horror, adventure
Release Date: November 18, 2022
Platforms: Available on PlayStation, Xbox, and PC.
In "The Devil in Me," players are taken on a chilling narrative where a documentary film crew receives an invitation to an innovative murder hotel inspired by the infamous H.H. Holmes, who is known for his "Murder Castle." As the crew investigates, they soon realize that they are part of a deadly game orchestrated by a mysterious killer. The choices players make will affect the survival of the characters, leading to multiple endings based on their actions.

Choice and Consequence: Players control multiple characters, and decisions made throughout the game can lead to different outcomes, including character deaths.
Co-op Mode: The game features both single-player and multiplayer modes, allowing players to experience the story together with friends.
Environmental Puzzles: Players must navigate through various environments, solving puzzles and uncovering clues to progress the story.
The game is known for its cinematic presentation, spooky atmosphere, and intense psychological horror elements, aiming to create a sense of dread and tension as players navigate the storyline.

"The Devil in Me" received mixed to positive reviews, with players praising its narrative and atmosphere while noting areas for improvement in gameplay mechanics compared to previous installments.

If you're a fan of narrative-driven horror games or the previous titles in "The Dark Pictures Anthology," "The Devil in Me" is likely to provide a thrilling experience!