This console is in great working order, it's been fully tested and has been set back to factory settings. This PlayStation comes with comes with the power cable and an HDMI cable, it will be sent out in a standard none descript box with plenty of protective packaging. Please note the controller is a third party controller. This bundle includes 9 games which are Saints Row, Shadow of mordor, Just Cause 3, BattleField 4, Battlefield Hardline, Destiny 1, Destiny 2, Madden 19, and
The Elders Scroll Online ( Age / Pegi Rating - 3-18)

Condition: This console is in good condition, there are some light marks however this does not affect the overall performance. This controller has also been tested and is in good condition.

Controller - 1
Wi-Fi - Yes,
Ports; 2 USB,
HDMI - 1,
Ethernet - 1.
Features - Watch Films in Bluray or DVD.

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