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Rated - PG

Double bill of American animated series. 'Avatar - The Last Airbender' takes place in a fantasy world that is home to humans, animals and supernatural spirits where human civilisation is divided into four nations: the Water Tribes, the Earth Kingdom, the Air Nomads, and the Fire Nation. Within each nation an order of men and women called Benders have the ability to manipulate their native element. The show follows the adventures of the successor to a long line of Avatars and his friends in their quest to save the world from the ruthless Fire Nation. 'Book One - Water' episodes are: 'The Boy in the Iceberg', 'The Avatar Returns', 'The Southern Air Temple', 'The Warriors of Kyoshi', 'The King of Omashu', 'Imprisoned', 'Winter Solstice: Part 1 - The Spirit World', 'Winter Solstice: Part 2 - Avatar Roku', 'The Waterbending Scroll', 'Jet', 'The Great Divide', 'The Storm', 'The Blue Spirit', 'The Fortuneteller', 'Bato of the Water Tribe', 'The Deserter', 'The Northern Air Temple', 'The Waterbending Master', 'The Siege of the North: Part 1' and 'The Siege of the North: Part 2'. 'Book Two - Earth' episodes are: 'The Avatar State', 'The Cave of Two Lovers', 'Return to Omashu', 'The Swamp', 'Avatar Day', 'The Blind Bandit', 'Zuko Alone', 'The Chase', 'Bitter Work', 'The Library', 'The Desert', 'The Serpent's Pass', 'The Drill', 'City of Walls and Secrets', 'The Tales of Ba Sing Se', 'Appa's Lost Days', 'Lake Laogai', 'The Earth King', 'The Guru' and 'The Crossroads of Destiny'. 'Book Three - Fire' episodes are: 'The Awakening', 'The Headband', 'The Painted Lady', 'Sokka's Master', 'The Beach', 'The Avatar and the Firelord', 'The Runaway', 'The Puppetmaster', 'Nightmares and Daydreams', 'The Day of Black Sun: Part 1 - The Invasion', 'The Day of Black Sun: Part 2 - The Eclipse', 'The Western Air Temple', 'The Firebending Masters', 'The Boiling Rock: Part 1', 'The Boiling Rock: Part 2', 'The Southern Raiders', 'The Ember Island Players', 'Sozin's Comet: Part 1 - The Phoenix King', 'Sozin's Comet: Part 2 - The Old Masters', 'Sozin's Comet: Part 3 - Into the Inferno' and 'Sozin's Comet: Part 4 - Avatar Aang'. 'The Legend of Korra' follows Avatar Korra (voice of Janet Varney) as she learns how to bend the elements of water, earth, fire and air. With this new skill she is tasked with defending her home, the Republic City, from the Equalist uprising led by Amon (Steve Blum), who has the ability to subvert the powers of benders like Korra. 'Book One - Air' episodes are: 'Welcome to Republic City', 'A Leaf in the Wind', 'The Revelation', 'The Voice in the Night', 'The Spirit of Competition', 'And the Winner Is...', 'The Aftermath', 'When Extremes Meet', 'Out of the Past', 'Turning the Tides', 'Skeletons in the Closet' and 'Endgame'. 'Book 2 - Spirits' episodes are: 'Rebel Spirit', 'The Southern Lights', 'Civil Wars: Part 1', 'Civil Wars: Part 2', 'Peacekeepers', 'The Sting', 'Beginnings: Part 1', 'Beginnings: Part 2', 'The Guide', 'A New Spiritual Age', 'Night of a Thousand Stars', 'Harmonic Convergence', 'Darkness Falls' and 'Light in the Dark'. 'Book Three - Changes' episodes are: 'A Breath of Fresh Air', 'Rebirth', 'The Earth Queen', 'In Harm's Way', 'The Metal Clan', 'Old Wounds', 'Original Airbenders', 'The Terror Within', 'The Stakeout', 'Long Live the Queen', 'The Ultimatum', 'Enter the Void' and 'Venom of the Red Lotus'. 'Book Four - Balance' episodes are: 'After All These Years', 'Korra Alone', 'The Coronation', 'The Calling', ' Enemy at the Gates', 'The Battle of Zaofu', 'Reunion', 'Remembrances', 'Beyond the Wilds', 'Operation Beifong', 'Kuvira's Gambit', 'Day of the Colossus' and 'The Last Stand'.